pll írta:kovidancsi írta:
"Blue Nokia" német oldalról
kék a színe
Ne a minor, hanem a major csomagot töltsd, és telepítsd, aztán a 0557191 p.code-t keresd.
Bocsi de te amit mondasz az 9.42-es és én már mint asszem írtam frissítettem 10.10-esre.. hibaüzenetet ír ki amí így szól:
Flashing started
Creating product data items list
Product data items list created
Backup not required
Flashing phone
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Getting product info...
PN_PERMANENT_DATA server reported page size 128 KB.
Scanning image files...
AdlServer: Flashing Update Server Data: 296064 bytes
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 1%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 10%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 20%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 30%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 40%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 51%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 60%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 70%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 80%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 90%
AdlServer: Flashing CMT UPS data 100%
AdlServer: UPS data loaded
AdlServer: Update Server code succesfully sent to phone
Reopening the connection...
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Error ADL Loader: Phone reported Downgrade not possible. Flash a newer SW version
Protocol 1: Error during Negotiation. Unable to flash.
Unable to flash phone 0x8401227A
Getting BB5 Phone Information from Update Server...
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Flashing phone
Product Type: RM-303 Product Code: 0563253C
Phone information retrieved
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Scanning image files...
Error ADL Loader: Phone reported Downgrade not possible. Flash a newer SW version
Protocol 1: Error during Negotiation. Unable to flash.
Unable to flash phone 0x8401227A
All operations completed
Product flashing failed.
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